8月23日週一,武漢解封503進陸強隔516回港免隔274,四點三起,全球大視野,阿周電視華記跳船會唔會比人當鬼公民黨渴望糧支誓不散水蔡英文傷盡貓奴心或損票源美解讀武漢實驗室報告是政治結論西方與病毒共存是擺明播毒汪精衛曲線救國成了漢奸DNA決定運動員成就,星電視總編輯時間美中在阿富汗再角力,托九買八期無人中頭的六合彩,我街道我知道我書寫社區書寫計劃,John Pilger 紀錄片 The Coming War on China (2016),1953 vice president Nixon: as we look at china on the map we can see that china is the basic cause of all of our troubles in asia. lily pad bases. 147 countries. 處暑海印公園石涌口牛肉雲吞麵,經大元帥府江灣路梁醫生處拿癡癡漱口藥,基立路買外賣祛濕湯,萬壽路東曉路快步回家,兩瓶維他奶,品城記西門口碗仔翅九江嚟我屋企,鄉民來衝康美國對台戰略不再模糊?拜登將台灣戰略地位提升至北約?雞鴨腎瀨粉由柑檸檬茶,Going Underground on RT John Pilger: China Going Into 'State of SIEGE', Will Defend Itself Against the US! journalism is about hard evidence. china once again is challenging the very notion of western and white superiority and that is unacceptable. 白果粥燘笋聖女果鹹菜雞鴨腎,圓桌德州撲克陳靜,The War You Don't See (2010) let's scare the hell out of people. embedded journalist. They show on TV the freedom fighters and they say they are the terrorists. But if they are calling people here terrorists then why are they not calling Americans terrorists also? the facts that i believe to be true in those articles were not true, they were a pack of lies fed to me by a fairly sophisticated disinformation campaign. collateral damage. civilian deaths 10% 50% 70% 90%. worthy and unworthy victims. The War on Democracy (2007) hidden history, suppressed history, history that explains why we are in the west know a lot about the crimes of others, but almost nothing about our own. terror campaign. propaganda mills. national security interests.
#一穗 處暑,中文博大精深,處字意義特別多,可置身於,可止息,昨天的節氣,非正處酷暑,是酷熱終結之日,確實有風,雲也特別美。一口氣看了著名記者 John Pilger 三齣紀錄片:The Coming War on China (2016)、The War You Don't See (2010)、The War on Democracy (2007)。John 澳洲人,曾是戰地記者,對美英的外交行動與政策常有批評,立場反戰,在部份綠營眼中,他因不那麼反中抗中,肯定會被視為「中共同路人」,雖然在The Coming War on China,他在訪問裡問到貧富懸殊、六四及劉曉波,這片仍在豆瓣搜到,只是沒評分沒評論,後兩齣則評分高,9.0 與 8.2;三片都在youtube上有高清版。最早的 The War on Democracy 聚焦拉丁美洲,John 指美國直接或間接參與了該地區大部份政變,逆我者亡,究竟發生什麼事的論述全在美國掌握之中,hidden history, suppressed history, history that explains why we are in the west know a lot about the crimes of others, but almost nothing about our own. terror campaign. propaganda mills. national security interests. The War You Don't See 講傳媒在伊拉克、阿富汗及以巴戰爭的角色,let's scare the hell out of people. 隨軍記者 embedded journalist. 一位婦女控訴:They show on TV the freedom fighters and they say they are the terrorists. But if they are calling people here terrorists then why are they not calling Americans terrorists also? 一位記者讖悔:the facts that i believe to be true in those articles were not true, they were a pack of lies fed to me by a fairly sophisticated disinformation campaign. 越戰時創的名詞 collateral damage. 被殺平民的比例一戰二戰越戰伊戰 civilian deaths 10% 50% 70% 90%. worthy and unworthy victims. worthy的多報道,unworthy的掩蓋。The Coming War on China 看完你不會奇怪中美真打起來,早於1953年, 當時副總統尼克遜說: as we look at China on the map we can see that China is the basic cause of all of our troubles in asia. 美國在全球147個國家有軍事基地,lily pad bases越來越多,影片以比堅尼島核試開頭,中國崛起,命定成為美國頭號敵人,John受俄羅斯電視台訪問時說:China once again is challenging the very notion of western and white superiority and that is unacceptable. John 的紀錄片可看,有幾真實自行判斷,倒是提供了跟西方主流媒體不一樣的角度;處戰,期望不是置身戰爭,而是戰爭終止。