7月20日週末,四點起,All-in PodcastTrump assassination attempt, Secret Service failure, Inside the RNC, VC liquidity problem,'Tough conversations' taking place in Biden's inner circle over candidacy viability,Biden accepting he will have to drop out of the race,公車赤崗路天富蝦餃韭菜豬紅湯大塘紡織迷宮新紅風市場公車回家,4 US Senators calling for Biden to end reelection bid,CNN Why Bernstein calls it a 'really ugly scene' around Biden,Real Time With Bill Maher,大大平評理川普口水攻擊台積電要嘛棄台要嘛收保護費?炸魚鹵雞素,喜人奇妙夜,Foreign Correspondent How do these Aussies feel about the way America is going? 徐時論回劉細良,文隽張艾嘉今夜不設防。
#一穗 市街,街上有市,較有趣。市本横向伸延,後縱的層層建起,是為商場、街市大廈、綜合大樓,人在內裏繞行散步。旺地租貴,許多微小家庭店朋友店選擇人流不那麼多的小街小巷,做得出色功德無量,成了引路人,把人們都引過來了。城中村旁的天富早茶,又行了一次大塘上涌新紅風,髒亂的市街,層出不窮,一攤一店各有其可看可嘗之處,於是其樂或未至於無窮,足夠矣。