2月27日週二,五點十五起,阿周新聞,少康戰情室,小鴻吹水站黃淑儀,忍者之家,新鳳凰街市有谷氣水煮牛肉青菜回,跟林師兄通話談談他女兒的烘豆事,The Undeclared War,芝麻糊木瓜雪耳烤香腸,Constellation。
#一穗 暗戰,The Undeclared War,2022年英劇,講2024年英國大選前後的俄英網絡戰,豆瓣與IMDb同樣7分,我給8+。俄發動網絡攻擊,分三階段,首先以惡意軟件癱瘓公共網絡與日常通訊金融航空等活動,再而竊取美國基於五眼向英提供的機密資料,三是在大選時讓部份少數族裔不在名冊內投不了票,並煽動群眾指摘執政保守黨操控選舉而上街遊行暴亂。除了入侵系統的黑客,還有影響民意的水軍,正面反面評論像相聲的逗哏捧哏,眾多言論均在一室之內發出,再由機械人轉發,形成輿論,所謂網民,如意見超市,按你所需總可找到合用的引述,只要反串一下,即向帶動風向,預判將有什麼行為,把不同立場之人,「玩弄」於指掌之間。第四集有段對白喜歡,俄羅斯駐英國的記者問:What's the point of reporting something that's so obviously fake news? 上司解釋:Whether it's faked isn't the point. I mean everything that's reported is fake, one way or another. We know that people won't believe it. It probably contradicts what we said yesterday. it doesn't matter. The point is to get people used to the idea that everything's a lie, that there is no truth. And once they accept that, well, the biggest liar wins.