
螺 2

1月19日週三,武漢解封652進陸強隔665回港免隔423,六點十五起,少康戰情室北京上海廣東爆Omicron疫情冬奧2/4登場如臨大敵?林姿妙三點反擊用地沒改哪來圖利議會駁回仍機關用地?阿周電視新聞聯播特別報道,巴士的直播,Bordertown看完,Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock and Roll 提到的歌手們:Sinn Sisamouth 巴色占空 懷密 Ros Serey Sothea Drakkar Pen Ran 約奧拉容 布瓦納里,施里瑪達給美國的信,POP撞新聞黃暐瀚專訪郝龍斌萬安贏北市郝推藍白合,冼國林宣布參選全民定政綱,糯米脆角,公車西基東四折午茶看堺雅人,沿涌金輝跟文森吃田螺雞椒鹽魷尾後加粟米羮跟他車回看晚景,看手機拍的片及分享,奪命Loudzone冼國林做梁營開路先鋒甜筒輝真人版Tempo哥收陀地被欺凌漁護處濫殺倉鼠梁天琦出獄看了一會棄也,寰宇全視界拜登失民心鐵粉含淚拋棄錯誤決策讓中俄佔上風?習近平穩得住中國經濟?對台總體方略有新方向?

#一穗 午茶,西基東豐滿園從外面看看不出原來有那麼大的大廳,點心四折,吸煙區茶位七元,一人獨享一籠蝦餃好耐未這樣,還有喜歡的腐皮卷,廿五元埋單,除了咖啡館與路邊士多,這裡是閱讀處所另一選擇。跟文森在金輝吃田螺雞,試拍一段講咖啡的對談,兩人都有點高,效果不錯。新手機有個缺點,拍什麼都幫你美顏似的,失了真實。2014年紀錄片 Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock and Roll 很精彩,從音樂入手簡介一遍柬埔寨近代多舛的歷史,內戰、政變、美軍轟炸、赤柬攻占、越南入侵……提到的歌手們:Sinn Sisamouth、巴色占空、懷密、Ros Serey Sothea、Drakkar、Pen Ran、約奧拉容、布瓦納里等,很多死於赤柬當政的三年零八個月期間。危難中,暴政下,音樂不息,外面炸得破爛,仍在室內唱歌跳舞。還有,曾推翻西哈努克的主謀之一施里瑪達,在赤柬勢如破竹、美軍撤離之時,拒絕美國駐金邊大使把他送到美國的好意,給大使回了一封信,聽來感動:
Dear Excellency and friend, I thank you very sincerely for your letter and for your offer to transport me towards freedom. I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion. As for you and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty. You have refused us your protection and we can do nothing about it. You leave us and it is my wish that you and your country will find happiness under the sky. But mark it well that, if I shall die here on the spot and in my country that I love, it is too bad because we are all born and must die one day. I have only committed the mistake of believing in you, the Americans. Please accept, Excellency, my dear friend, my faithful and friendly sentiments. Prince Sirik Matak.
