

10月30日週二,六點半起,看完Brad's Status,發胡兄清明上河圖截圖,約艾域見面,找到繁華之城,三本書送到,狗買六合彩,樓下很多貓,與即期旺金鴿午飯,中大校園散步市場買吃,Get Out播着重溫,訂曼谷機票查行李規則訂兩晚青旅,百度地圖看素万那普機場至福鹿舍,看曼谷攻略,十八張黑白,給大佬強建議大中華中央週末聚,看飲食男女,查良鏞逝世,紅豆白涼粉,Cartel Land,香辣牛肉麵魚豆腐燒鴨,豆士微一會。

主角47歲,創辦了一個為NGO當顧問的非盈利組織,太太樂天,兒子靚仔成績好性格隨和,但Brad心裡越來越多糾結,四位曾經最老友的大學同學都出人頭地,看似有錢有面隨心所欲,自己則好像錢不夠用、異性魅力喪失,跟人一比,心裡十分懷疑人生。他陪同兒子去哈佛面試,兒子記錯日期,於是不得不找多年沒見、有人脈關係的舊友幫忙,大家晚飯,他聽到其他人的生活並非如想像的那麼完美優越無憂無慮,他「心安」了。兒子是個早熟的智者,說:You know, when we were walking around today and you were embarrassing me, I kept thinking, like, if I go to this school, everybody here's gonna remember this and I'm never gonna be able to live this down. But...you know, they're not gonna remember. Because...everybody's just thinking about themselves. You know? Nobody cares. Like, the only person that's thinking about you, is me, so...only person's opinion that you should really care about is mine.
爸爸:yeah...What's your opinion?
兒子:Well, I love you.