2月26日星期天,五點二十起,粵講粵盞鬼,深喉嚨亮亮,阿周新聞,公車西基東連彩豬雜粥沙園買叉燒,寶業路青椒肉末打鹵麵,小街田心路昌崗大街南泰路水廠凍拿鐵芝士牛頭包看遊戲,江南大道公車新鳳凰回,賽馬直擊香港金盃香港經典盃,阿周新聞碎屍案教訓不要與人渣來往中美就俄烏戰爭角力拜登連任做到八十六可追平鄧小平,郭正亮說烏克蘭處境就像1949年國民黨政府,寰宇全視界前朝波頓槓雪蔓籲美軍永久駐台?Ricky講煮講食鹹魚土魷煎肉餅加強版,半個雞尾包四個柑,正義迴廊,橫沖直撞,Gloria,影響電影界的七十年代 A Decade Under the Influence。
#一穗 迴廊,迂迴曲折的走廊,正義落此,迷路?前夫一家恐怖摧花,看這電影時,禁不住想到冷血者會不會是受此啟發。當是犯罪片,戲是好看,時空交錯剪接多巧思,場面精心設計,尤其陪審團互動,老嫩對白反映運動刻板分野,覺得還勝於庭上戲。而戲取材於真實,重現如此殘酷,感受到人之恐怖,皺眉。看2003紀錄片A Decade Under the Influence,簡介:The 1970s was an extraordinary time of rebellion, of questioning every accepted idea: political activism, hedonism, protests, the sexual revolution, the women's movement, the civil rights movement, the music revolution, rage and liberation. Every standard by which we set our social and cultural clocks was either turned inside out or thrown away completely and reinvented. For American cinema, the 1970s was an era during which a new generation of filmmakers created work for a new kind of audience - moviegoers who were hungry for stories that reflected their own experiences and who were turning their backs on aged old studio formulas. 於是年輕的與不大年輕的新浪潮們拿起攝影機走出片廠上街,百花齊放,如正義迴廊,屢見新意。其中一段,William Friedkin 講他拍 The French Connection 時,找來曾在古巴拍紀錄片的攝影師Enrique Bravo,叫他用拍紀錄片的目光把動作衝突場面記錄下來。如今,人人都是手機短片創作者,既是觀眾又是作者,影響電影界,已不用 decade 那麼久?以年月計?